Engler Canyon Ranch
Mustang Sanctuary
Engler Canyon Ranch
Mustang Sanctuary
Since opening our gates in 2017, Engler Canyon Ranch has become the permanent home to more than 200 high-risk, wild-born mustangs and burros. Our respectful, hands-off approach allows these formerly traumatized spirits to restore their bodies and souls in a natural, herd-dynamic setting. Our rolling hills, short grass prairie, and forested draws provide the perfect blend of wide-open spaces, natural protection, and re-wilded living, all within the safety of our sanctuary borders.
Roughly half of our 30,000+ acre sanctuary isn't yet safe for mustangs, but we're working to change that! Donations of any size are deeply appreciated.
More fencing = More mustangs!
Fencing = $3 p/f
* We have the land, and you can help us place more *
We are a proud project and location of the Serengeti Foundation (501c3 non-profit), and their second wild horse sanctuary in Colorado.
For more information please visit: http://serengetifoundation.com
Thank you!
EIN: 54-1876544
Paypal: paypal.me/ECRmustang
Rasta & Sandy exchange a morning nuzzle.
Thank you for your generous support.
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